Something is Better Than Nothing

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sharply at 12.55 am(Friday)

Just finished Versus by Hlovate

Sangat2 memberi impak yang mendalam dalam hati

Oleh kerana membeli buku ni semasa Pesta Buku dulu,
So,dapatlah tandatangan Hlovate berserta kaata2nya sekali,

Kata-kata yang tertulis :
Buat 'awak' yang mahu berubah,
Berubahlah walaupun payah,
Berubahlah, ke arah hidup lebih indah,
Hidup dan masa muda sekali cuma,
Sanggup nak sia-siakan tanpa redha-Nya.

May Allah Bless

Ada la sedikit sebanyak benda yang boleh 'cope' dari cerita dalam buku ni,
Ianya bukan sekadar cerita perasaan dan hati tapi,
lebih kepada menghadapi kehidapan yang bertentangan dari rutin biasa (VERSUS)
Bagi orang yang sedang dan sentiasa belajar macam diri ini memang kena la kalau baca buku ni.

Teringat quote2 dalam buku nih,

'You'll never reach perfection because there's alwaysroom for improvement.
Yet, along the way to perfection you'll learn to get better.

Something is Better Than Nothing

uh!Terkesan di hati..:)

New Version of Ayam Goreng Berempah

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
04Lets share a new recipe,


Resepi ni x de la susah sangat,tapi sangat2 berguna untuk orang malas macam saya ni...hari2 x tau dah nak buat ayam masak apa..balik2 ayam goreng,masak pedas,masak kicap,gulai...bosan!
So, ayam goreng berempah ni sangat2 membantu. Jom kita pakat2 try..

Bahan2 :

Ayam la kan,xkan udang kot.(seekor)
Rempah daging (sebungkus)
Serbuk ketumbar(jangan banyak sangat)
*Serai (3 batang nak bagi wangi)
*Bawang putih (8 ulas)
*Halba(ikut logik)
Sos Tiram
Tanda (*) tu kena kisar sampai lumat...Masa kisar,jangan letak air banyak2,takut cair plak..

Then,buat la:

Firstly, ayam yang dah dicuci sebersih2nya tu digaul ngan bahan kisar. Then, gaul plak ngan rempah daging dan serbuk ketumbar seterusnya sos tiram. Gaul hingga sebati dan biarkan(lagi lama,lagi bagus). Then, goreng sampai keperang-perangan.

Seeloknya,marinate hari ni,esok goreng. Baru sedap.Akan rasa semua bahan dalam ayam tu sebab bahan2 dah meresap masuk dalam ayam tu.Ayam ni kita boleh simpan lama2 sikit,tapi jangan sampai seminggu la. Ok,selamat mencuba!

Our Fight

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
2 months 3 weeks 2 days.....

The total times that passed since the holidays started...

Nothing much to be bragged about my holidays...
Thousands Several of books to be finished,
Millions  Many of new recipes to be learnt,
A lot of things to be done,
And the more important thing,
Billions of spirit and strength to be charged as a preparation for the next semester which will be though for a person like me, I guess...

The experiences during this holiday teach me the real meaning of  struggle and fight. As a university student, we might think  that our fight is only for the good result in exam,for the high CGPA, but we had another responsibility actually as the future generation. We are the assets of the nation that will recolor our nation system.

Where are us when other citizens fight for the justice?
What are we doing when some of our friends voice out for democracy?
Where are us when the people scream for the human right?

We are studying
We are sleeping
We are just watching

We are the one who just watching when the elders fight for the future generations,for our generation. Stop watching and ready to fight back. No one can help us except ourselves.

Allah had stated in the Al-Quran :

"...Sesungguhnya Allah tidak merobah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka merobah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri..."  
[Ar Ra'd : 11]

Some people may not understand what am I talking about. But this may be important to some people and also nothing to do with some people ( for those who doesn't care at all), I guess..Find back our true purpose of life.InsyaAllah.